SEED - Sociedad Española de Economía del Deporte

Call for papers, XVII Gijón Conference on sports economics, ‘Women Sports Economics’ 

  09/01/2023 07:30 Noticias de interés

The annual conference of the Sports Economics Observatory Foundation (FOED, University of Oviedo) will be held in Gijon (Spain) at the Laboral, Theater. Sala 1. Faculty of Commerce, Tourism and Social Sciences Jovellanos, 2023, May 5-6 (Friday and Saturday). This year the topic of the Conference is Women Sports Economics. The economic importance, the influence, the media impact of women's sports and particularly team sports is increasing much. The case of women's football in Europe, and in Spain in particular, has increased its public presence in a spectacular way. Individuals are invited to submit unpublished communications related to the topic of the Conference. All of the submissions will be assessed by a scientific committee. There is a fee of 100 euros for participants. The students of the University of Oviedo have free admission. If any of the speakers cannot attend, he can participate through Teams or Zoom, in which case he will not need to pay any fee or the registration fee will be returned. Accommodation and meals during the conference are the responsibility of the organization. Submissions: Authors please send an abstract of about 200 words to Abstract submission deadline: April 1. Papers selected: April 10. All accepted papers will be invited to be published in a book edited by the organizers. If the economic grants for the organization of the congress allows it, the authors of the book chapters will receive a fee of 250 euros.


Sociedad Española de Economía del Deporte